offers a wide range of analysis, data, reference and geographical information according to topics (subjects) that paint a portrait of Canada and its population.
2016 Census Topics
Age and sex
Families, households and marital status
Type of dwelling
2011 NHS Topics
Aboriginal Peoples
Education and Labour
Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity
Income and Housing
Mobility and Migration
2011 Topics
Age and sex
Families, households and marital status
Structural type of dwelling and collectives
2006 Topics
Aboriginal peoples
Age and sex
Ethnic origin and visible minorities
Families and households
Housing and shelter costs
Immigration and citizenship
Income and earnings
Marital status
Mobility and migration
Place of work and commuting to work
Statistical Area Classification
2001 Topics
A Profile of the Canadian Population: Where We Live
Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
Age and Sex
Canada’s Workforce: Paid Work
Canada’s Workforce: Unpaid Work
Canadians on the Move
Commuting to Work
Earnings of Canadians
Education in Canada: Major Fields of Study
Education in Canada: School Attendance and Levels of Schooling
Electronic Profiles
Ethnocultural Portrait of Canada
Families and Household Living Arrangements
Immigration and Citizenship
Income of Individuals, Families and Households
Language Composition of Canada
Language Use at Work
Marital Status of Canadians
Place of Work
Religions in Canada
Social and Economic Characteristics of Individuals, Families and Households
Statistical Area Classification